Call for mobility 2016-2017
for Australian applicants
Deadline December 19th, 2016
Call for mobility 2016-2017
for Australian applicants
Deadline December 19th, 2016
Deadline for applications: December 19, 2016
The call is open to Australian citizens and residents regularly enrolled in the following Master programmes:
The mobility consists of 1 semester (5 months) to perform study and research at one of the following European partner university. The study plan should be defined prior to the departure in individual learning agreements.
- Master programme in Materials Engineering - University of Trento
- Integrated Master's in Biomedical Engineering (4th year) - University of Minho
- Master programme in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
The BEAM GRANT includes Subsistence, Travel, and the exemption from tuition fees at the host institutions.
Number of scholarships available: 10, as follows
from Australia
- Queensland University of Technology 5
- University of Sydney 5
to Europe
- University of Trento 4
- University of Minho 3
- ML University Halle 3
In addition to the AU citizenship or permanent residence the candidate must :
- Possess a suitable knowledge of the fields of biomedical engineering, biomaterials and tissue engineering, bio pharmaceutics
The application form, available on the BEAM Website at http://www.beam-jmp.eu should be uploaded on line before the set deadline of March 29, 2016.
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Candidates must attach to the application:
- Europass CV including academic records
- Motivation letter and study plan in the fields of biomedical engineering, biomaterials and tissue engineering, biopharmaceutics
- A preliminary learning agreement
- Any publications, certificates or titles considered relevant in relation to this Call;
The grants will be assigned upon a selection based on qualifications, and a ranking will be attributed according to the following procedure including the assessment of academic titles and records , and an interview in English.
Specific requirements and details are set for each destination.
The evaluation criteria are set as follows:
- Interview and curriculum 40/100
- Academic records / GPA 30/100
- Motivation and study plan 30/100
The selection is considered as “passed” if the applicant gets a minimum score of 70/100.
Applicants will be selected by a Selection Board composed by the project Coordinators in each institution, who will assess all the eligible applications and will interview the candidates.
At the end of the assessment, the Board issues a final ranking list and summarises the evaluation process.
The final assessment of the Commission cannot be appealed.
The final admission of the selected candidates is however up to the host Universities and grants will not be assigned in case the candidate does not meet academic requirements .
The shortlist of beneficiaries is published on the project website under Selection results .
This shortlist cannot be used to assign other scholarships.
All information about the selection process (calendar, lists of candidates, language test, waivers, rankings, etc.) will be available on the BEAM web pages under Mobility.
Acceptance or refusal of the scholarship has to be communicated to the University of Trento within 5 days from nomination.
The selected candidates will have
- To sign a mobility contract
- To undertake all needed steps to obtain the visa and to enrol in Australia.
The grant payment will be done by the home universities in two sessions:
- 80% upon notice of arrival in Europe and within five weeks after the departure
- 20% at the end of the mobility (provided that the activity outlined in the individual Learning agreement has been successfully completed).
The grant-holders interrupting the stay without serious reasons might be asked to return the money already received.
At the end of the mobility the grantees will be requested to submit a written report.
According to the home universities the International Staff in charge of the mobility will be
- Trento - Marcella Orrù - [email protected]
- Minho -Natália Alves - [email protected] and Adriana Lago -[email protected]
- Halle - Manfred Pichler - [email protected]
- Cedryck Vaquette - [email protected]
- Leonard Fitzpatrick - [email protected]